How would it feel to know the roots of modern magick?
Discover the Wisdom of the Ancients...
From their own Papyri
Magick is as mysterious as ever...
Today, our technological society is moving us forward into an unknown future. Yet the mysteries of the ancients have never been more prominent. If we are going to survive these global changes, we are going to need their wisdom...
With Occult Mystery & Magick, discover the history behind the practices that have developed over millennia, along with the secret meanings that often take seekers years to uncover.
From intense purity procedures in Solomonic Magick, to the psychological shadow work of Chaos Magick... you will learn it all.
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Occult Mystery & Magick
A Full Year of Magickal Training

Occult Mystery & Magick immerses you in the ancient and traditional perspectives of the Hidden World... Explore practices, philosophies and traditions that have shaped human history, and come to understand the nature of the Occult and Esoteric and how it relates to the world we live in today...
Discover the wisdom that underpinned the Ancient Mystery Schools and gave birth to the Renaissance, as we chart the evolution of the Western Tradition and learn how to apply it in your own life through techniques that we all have access to, such as Qabalah, Numerology, Evocation and countless other schools of Magick...
You will also learn that which has been suppressed by those in power, and terrified the masses for centuries... Deepen your own practice through the implementation of some unique rituals and techniques that can take the process of manifestation and awakening to an entirely new level.
What's Inside the Course

Module 1 - A Brief History of Magic
It is biggest puzzle of all... from time immemorial magick has survived throughout history, through the coming and going of entire religions and cultures, the scientific and technological revolutions and the triumphs of modern medicine.
Despite all these changes, there has always been an unbroken tradition of magick... why is magick so irrepressible and ineradicable if it were true that its promises never came true? Or perhaps... is there an unbroken, inner tradition that has survived all these years?

Module 2 - Fundamentals of Practice
Energy is found within every circulating system in the universe. Everything is either being energized, energizing, or in homeostasis between the two. When working with Magick, we work with energy, and a solid foundation for our practice must begin with an awareness of what it is and how to use it.
Here, we'll connect with the breath, body, and mind while exploring boundaries and levels of discernment, grounding us with some of the essential skills you will need to go about your practice to regulate and circulate more efficiently, effectively, and in flow.

Module 3: Energetic Mechanics I
Find out what's in front of you... And all around you for that matter too.
In this Module we go over topics and practices which help to build the awareness of energy and how to play with it. We also look into altered states of consciousness, the brain and its role with these phenomena, and the energetic anatomy of the body.

Module 4 - Energetic Mechanics II
Feeling further into energy moving through us and being directed with our thoughts, words and actions, we will learn more of the nuances and factors involved as magick is not practiced evenly, or even fairly, among the spectrum of denominations available.
Learn how to sense energy even more, move it around, sense blockages and what it takes to create healing vibrations.

Module 5 - Interpretive Magick
Divination comes through many scopes of practice. The term itself means to communicate with the Divine, and in essence, hear what it has to say. Establishing a communication between ourself, and the will of the Universe is pivotal to understand magick.
Learn about Interpretive Ritual, how to perform and participate in personal and group ceremonies, the power of candle magick and the art of Divining with Spirit. We will also look at some of the ways magick has snuck into modern society without us realising.

Module 6 - Entities
Physical, non-physical, from this world or not, we go over the common beings that tend to present themselves to magicians of the past and modern ages.
Sci-Fi and Fantasy gives us a glimpse of who and what these entities are and the types of Magicks they implore. However, there is much more to discover about the nature of what's beyond our physical senses.

Module 7 - Evolution of the Western Mystery Tradition
Here we explore the evolution of the Western Ceremonial Tradition in all of its aspects. Exploring the meaning of the words "Esoteric", "Evocation", and tapping into work with Sigils.
This section will help make sense of some of the dogma, stigma, and mis-interpreted concepts that have developed from darker areas of the occult. We will uncover the origins of the Solomonic Tradition and chart the journey of the Greco Egyptian Magical Papyri out of Egypt, into Byzantium and through all of Europe.

Module 8 - Bringing the Ceremonial Tradition into the 21st Century
There's a lot behind us, and much ahead as well. How do we carry all we've learned in our backpack of the modern day mystic?
In this Module we make sense of how everything applies to the 21st century. We'll elaborate and review our tools, develop procedures for your grimoire work, learn how to craft a modern day evocation, and what it means to recharge once in awhile!

What Others Have Said About This Course
Chris and his understanding of the Occult philosophies are apparent in his presentation throughout the classes and events I've had the pleasure of witnessing. I feel as though he offers a perspective from experience that not many have found themselves led into and has been called to assist in the guidance as many others now face the reality that magic... may be reality
- Joey Z -
Chris Lyon & Amy Moonsong, thank you for a wonderful class tonight. I’m really gobsmacked to realize that you guys feel the same way as I do, I really thought I was alone, thank you! So many of us here were scolded for acknowledging our intuition, called crazy, and worse. We carry that guilt when our senses speak - like it must be just our imagination - so we keep it secret and never say a word. The idea that I wasn’t alone and that it was normal had never occurred to me and I feel a great weight off my chest. I guess that’s Spiritual Puberty and I just got the birds & bees talk... Glad I won’t go blind either. LoL Many many thanks as always.
- Wipalo -
The ESP class on Zoom made me feel 1000% less self conscious about all my abilities :) Like I knew everyone had the ability to do... well.. everything "supernatural", but it was nice hearing it said in a way there I realize there's nothing "super" about it. It really tested my ass into a more Unity perspective of it all instead of Dual, that stuff was dope! <3 Thank you Chris Lyon
- Shon -
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