Pay What Feels Right

Spirit Medicine Walkers

Walk into a Higher Consciousness

Congratulations on taking the step to enroll in Spirit Medicine Walkers, and thank you so much for your contribution 🙏

What's in the course:

1. A full-spectrum overview of the different types of psychedelics, and how they work both spiritually and scientifically.

2. A thorough exploration of the positives and negatives of psychedelics, and how to navigate through all of it to come out better than you started. 

3. Quality instruction from trained professionals on how to set up a space properly for a ceremony, navigate such spaces, and land the ship for integration afterwards. 

4. A deep dive look at the mystical and prophetic meaning behind that which is seen in psychedelics, and what it really all means.

4. A massive library of bonus content, including medicine music, interviews with a trained Ayahuasca shaman, as well as the scientist Dr. Rick Strassman, and so much more... 


Spirit Medicine Walkers is a masterclass on the nature of positive and healthy transformation through psychedelics. This is an educational series exploring the nature of these substances, how and why they work, where you go when you use them, and how to steer the experience into an elevated state of consciousness, and make the results last a lifetime.



What People Are Saying:

This course exceeded my expectations! It felt like every single module was useful, not only for learning in depth about plant medicine, but applicable to the journey of life in general… it allowed me to integrate things further and see life as a ceremony. I felt very connected when listening to the different shamans, and am very grateful to how much wisdom was imparted. Definitely recommend to anyone, both new or experts in psychedelics, as there is a lot to take away from it in multiple levels!


I wasn’t sure what I was going to learn or find out from this course. I’ve been around plant medicine for quite awhile and I love Spirit Science so I just had to find out what they were doing and saying about it. I was quite surprised to be honest. It helped me understand and consider some new things and I even got to see Rick Strassman live! What a treat :) I would recommend this to any friend and family member who wants to learn more about how to connect with entheogens before going further.


Spirit Medicine Walkers opened my eyes to my relationship with psychedelics. As much as I enjoyed using them, there was so much I didn't know about what they really were. I feel more ready than ever to have my next experience, as this course gave me the tools I needed to take my journeys to the next level!
